My colourizing projects have started with the commemoration of the end of the first World War. I specifically looked for old photos depicting the Belgian population, civilian and military, during that period. Other colourizing projects will be posted REGULARy.
This photo of my parents was found by my sister in an old album thought lost. I restored the photograph and colourized it
Belgian refugees fleeing the territory after the German invasion of August 1914.
Original black and white photo credit: Nationaal Archief. The colourization was discovered by author Reginald Braet who requested to use it as a cover for his book on World War One in Flanders.
This colourization is a photo showing Belgian Army Carabiners in August 1914. These regiments used dogs to pull their Hotchkiss guns. Black and white original: origin unknown.
A car owner showing his car in Zemst around 1912.
To commemmorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, I colourized this photo in June 2019.
Claudia Cardinale tribute in colour.
This colourization was a birthday gift to Roger Goethyn, former paratrooper seen in action in the Congo on the photograph which was a black and white original.
Belgian soldier from Zemst. Around 1930. Original black and white photo credit and copyright: Heemkundige Kring De Semse.
Excavators at an early World War One frontline in the village of Eppegem, Belgium, digging up fallen soldiers to be able to have them properly buried. Eppegem was twice the scene of heavy close combat in the first months of the Great War between the German army on its way to the Marne and the Belgian army retreated to and fighting from Antwerp. The excavation and burial of the fallen soldiers was a charity work done by ‘Miss Orianne’. The photo was probably taken in 1915 during the occupation and shows Miss Orianne’s workers and a german officer standing over a corpse. Around 200 soldiers rest eternally at the military cemetary of Eppegem, both from World War one and two. Original black and white photo credit and copyright: Heemkundige Kring De Semse.
Belgian soldiers heading West after the siege of Liège early August 1914.
Original black and white photo credit: Nationaal Archief.
Two Belgian soldiers on the retreat from the overwhelming force of the German invasion during the late summer of 1914. Original black and white photo credit: Nationaal Archief.
Two Belgian soldiers guiding civilians fleeing from their burnt towns and terror by invading German soldiers during the summer of 1914.
Original black and white photo credit: Nationaal Archief.
A Belgian soldier handling a machine gun in the clashes while retreating after the German invasion of August 1914. Original black and white photo credit: Bibliotheque nationale de France.
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